Horse tricks: clicker training tips for $4.99 on Amazon

Strengthen your bond with your horse with this
"Clicker Tips Booklet"
also available for on Kindle:
A clicker produces a distinct, sharp sound to tell the horse exactly when it has got something right. Think of it as promise marker that says, “Good job! A treat is on the way.”
The first step is to teach your horse they need to earn a treat and wait patiently and politely for it.
Building Bridges
In the world of operant conditioning, the clicker is known as a “bridge tool.” Basically, you’re bridging between behavior and reward while building a bridge between your mind and your horse’s.
Clicker training began in the 1970s with dolphins but has since been adapted for training dogs and horses. Zoos are even using it now to persuade chimps, otters, giraffes and even crocodiles to take voluntary injections.
The reinforcer (treat) can be multiplied as a jackpot for great performance, but the bridge should remain single in each execution.Three pieces of carrot in a row while you sing their praises gets the message across very clearly.
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